Waste S to water


No, the Orgreen is mixing is the new waste food with the old waste food and the enzymes (Microorganisms). The waste food is ecomposed and primarily produces water, CO2, and hest. If waste food is chopped or ground, small parts of undigested food will enter the exit stream , increasing the levels of TSS (total suspended solids ) and BOD (biologcaloxygen demand). The motor on the Orgreen acts only to mix, or slowly, stir, the waste. It runs only a quarter of the time which minimizes the use of electricity.

NO. You add waste food at any time. The machine is constantly digesting waste

No. The decomposition is an aerobic process (in the presence of oxygen). In a forest, the leaves form the trees fall on the floor and decompose in an aerobic manner. The forest doesn’ Smell. The same process is used in the Orgreen, but we accelerate it significantly.

Possibly .If you feed the machine with only waste from the preparation of fruits and vegetables, then what comes out of the Orgreen could be used to irrigate the land. It is rich in nutrients just as if you had composted the waste food in a more traditional manner. It will then Make an ideal fertilizer. However, if the waste food has meats, fats, grease, and spices such as Salt and peppers, the output may not be suitable. You should test the output to see if you can use it.

There are load cells mounted on each corner of the Orgreen. These weigh the total weight Of the Orgreen. On installation the software calibrates itself so it knows the empty weight. From there, the software knows how much is in the Orgreen and how much is added each time.

When waste food is sent to the landfill, it is buried, and decomposes anaerobic ally, producing methane (CH4) and other gasses . That’s why landfills smell. Methane is 72 times worse for the atmosphere than carbon dioxide (CO2). It is for this reason that many jurisdictions are banning organizations from sending organic waste to the landfill. When the waste food decomposes in the Orgreen, it produces CO2 as part of the natural cycle of carbon (meaning it is carbon neutral). Hence, you have significantly reduced your carbon footprint.

No. The decomposition takes place in a natural way using microorganisms are around us everywhere and are responsible for digesting all types of waste. We have a special blend of microorganisms that accelerate the decomposition of most foods. Our Orgreen can decompose Most waste foods within 24 hours.

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